Can't Stop Mama!
Me and my hubby on our honeymoon Oct 2007!

So this is my first blog post! And it is going to be about my crazy week! I work at a tax company and our peek season is from Jan 13-Feb 15 and that just happend to fall at the same time my husband is being sent out of town for 4 weeks for training! He is in training for his new job as Assistant manager at walmart. It comes with a huge pay raise and better hours ... but lets just say we were not ready to be home with out him for the next 4 weeks. He is home on the weekends but gone Monday through Friday! Anyways on top of my job being busy and 4 employee's quitting with out notice, and my husband being gone. My one year old got an ear infection in both ears and was extra fussy and clingy and my 1 month old got a stomach flu and was also fussy and going through diapers faster than she was bottles. I also started back up on weightwatchers so I had to prepare for that each day. So let's just say the odds were stacked against me. I have stayed on track with my weight watchers but I never did work out each night like I was planning. I drug through each day of work but wasn't my normal peppy self! I also had to hire 6 new employee's 4 to cover the ones that quit and two to cover the one's I'm letting go. I delt with both screaming kids and kept the house clean. I kept all my emotions to my self and only cried when I went to bed at night. I'm thankful for my babysitters that assisted me and for my mom for giving me emotional support and my dad and brothers for helping with the snow and icicles. So ready to see my hubby!

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